The Pro6PP data are available through the following types of Web services:
The REST API is best used with websites. The easy HTTP GET/POST methods provide a JSON or XML result. Advised in combination with web (JavaScript) and script (Python, Ruby, PHP) languages.
The SOAP webservice integrates well using traditional languages and makes using a webservice easy. Advised in combination with .NET (C#/VB) or Java.
Using a simple HTTP GET or POST method, an API call is performed.
On the spot of METHOD one of the available methods need to be filled in.
Each method has at least one required parameter that needs to be sent along with each call:
For each API call, these optional parameters may be submitted:
Each specific method can take additional required or optional parameters.
Using this WSDL in Document/literal style, the SOAP 1.1 compatible webservice can be used.
Note that not all of our endpoints are exposed through SOAP currently. Please let us know if you’re missing any.
Changes since 1.3:
Changes since 1.2:
Changes since 1.1:
Changes since 1.0:
First version: