Postcode database examples

Distance: calculate distance between two postcodes

To calculate the distance (as a car over the road, or in a straight line) and duration between two postcodes, enter two postcodes.

Any subscription allows access to the straight line distance, however the road algorithm uses the drive time matrix (fastest route) that requires a ‘specials’ subscription level.

For trial purposes, a range of postcodes is allowed with any subscription level: 1000..1098, 1100..1108 (Amsterdam), 3000..3089 (Rotterdam), 5600..5658 (Eindhoven).

Supported Countries




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In which subscription?

Autocomplete (nl, be, de)
Range (nl)
Locator (nl)
Suggest (nl, be, de)
Reverse (nl, be)
Distance (straight) (nl)
Distance (road) (nl)